Enterprise Research & Engineering

Sep 2, 2024
We provide research and engineering tailored to your needs.
  • Research: Through theoretical research, simulation, and data analysis, we provide deep insights into your DeFi project and protocol.
    • Simulation: Simulate the development of new economic mechanisms and parameter update decisions. Testnets and other types of testing ensure correct implementation, and simulations help measure and evaluate the overall economic effects. This is primarily for clients who are about to launch a service or want to perform market analysis.
    • Data Analysis: Comprehensive analysis of on-chain data reveals detailed patterns of user behavior and token distribution. We help with design before making major changes to the system, evaluate the actual behavior after changes, and analyze the configuration and effects of system parameters. This is primarily for clients who have already launched a service or want to perform market analysis.
  • Application and Protocol Design and Engineering: Collaborative engineering that works closely with your team to promote knowledge sharing and technology transfer. This ensures long-term success and sustainable development.
    • Application and Protocol Design: We provide application and protocol design, including the development of a fair transaction ordering algorithm, the design of a DEX that counters cross-chain MEV, and the design of a MEV-resistant block generation mechanism.
    • Implementation and validation: Prototype the proposed solution, test it on a testnet, evaluate its performance, and analyze its long-term impact in a real-world environment. In addition, we optimize smart contracts, identify and fix security vulnerabilities, benchmark and optimize performance, build anomaly detection systems and conduct stress tests, and develop a continuous monitoring and update strategy.
If you are interested in the above, please contact us via Contact.

© Titania Research 2024